Big Data and Analytics Internship
From February till August I worked at The Columbus Collaboratory. The Collaboratory is a startup focused on providing quick insight data analytics. They provide advanced analytics and cyber security to their member companies. They hope to draw IT talent
to the Columbus Ohio region and turn Columbus into a nationally recognized technology leader.
While at the Collaboratory I was an intern in the Data Analytics division. I was in charge of finding innovative and programmatical ways of interacting with, accessing, and storing public data to augment our member companies’ private data. Later I completed
a project of benchmarking several cognitive resources to understand how they work in standard and fringe use cases.
The most important part of my internship, in my opinion, was having the freedom to choose projects to work on as long as they had some meaningful result. This allowed me to get help from several coworkers and grow as a programmer. While several projects
began just to die the next day, I still learned more about programming and thinking like an engineer than I have in class. I’m extremely grateful for this internship. It has helped guide me into what I want to do and where
I want to go. The majority of its benefit is intangible, but manifested in my new found ability to problem solve and learn on my own. I will always be grateful to the Collaboratory for this opportunity.
Learn more about The Columbus Collaboratory